Tuesday 4 March 2014

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Source link: (google.com.pk):-

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50 Biography:

Fitness and Figure competition is a class of physique-exhibition events for women. While bearing a close resemblance to female bodybuilding, its emphasis is on muscle definition, not size. The class was originally introduced when female bodybuilding's popularity began to noticeably decline, in terms of both fanbase and number of participants.Fitness and Figure are two distinct forms of competition, not just one. In a Fitness contest (the older of the two disciplines), female competitors showcase their physiques (which are noticeably less massive than bodybuilders') while performing a demanding, time-limited, aerobic/dance routine. In a Figure contest, the most important attributes are a curvaceousness-yet-trim body, and facial beauty; however, the physique guidelines are similar to a Fitness pageant's, and many contestants move back and forth between the two disciplines. The Figure division emerged on the bodybuilding scene when the numbers for Fitness pageant competitions started to dwindle.[2] Typically, fitness & figure competitions are held as part of the larger-drawing bodybuilding contests.The first women's Fitness competition was produced by Wally Boyko in 1985 at the National Fitness trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada; it included a swimsuit round, an athletic routine, and an evening gown segment. Louis Zwick, then the producer of American Muscle Magazine (a magazine-format, bodybuilding TV show on ESPN), produced and aired a segment on the pageant. The number of contests was proliferating, and Zwick himself launched Fitness America (now Fitness Universe) in 1989 to capitalize on the trend.[3] The International Federation of BodyBuilding & Fitness soon followed suit, holding its own, sanctioned fitness pageant -- Fitness Olympia -- in 1995.[4]
The first women's Figure competition was the NPC (National Physique Committee -- the major sanctioning body for would-be professional bodybuilders and organized amateur bodybuilding) Figure Nationals held in 2001 at Borough of Manhattan Community College's Performing Arts Center, in New York City's Tribeca section.[5] It was a qualifier and precursor to the 2003 IFBB Figure Olympia, held in Las Vegas, Nevada.[6] The Fitness Universe organization launched their own Figure division in 2005.A typical Fitness competition consists of a swimsuit round and a routine round. In the swimsuit round, the competitors wear two-piece swimsuits and high-heeled shoes, presenting their physiques with a series of quarter- or half-turns toward the judges and audience. Physique guidelines for fitness competitions typically suggest a small amount of muscular mass; clear separations between muscle groups (but, no visible striations); and, leanness. The swimsuit must cover at least fifty percent of the gluteus maximus muscle; no thongs or G-strings are allowed. The routine round requires a physically active stage performance; most competitors attempt aerobic, dance, and/or gymnastic routines.
Fitness contests sanctioned by the International Federation of BodyBuilding & Fitness (IFBB) are the Fitness Olympia and the Fitness International. Fitness contests sanctioned by Wally Boyko Productions are the National Fitness Sanctioning Body (NFSB) Ms. Fitness USA and the International Fitness Sanctioning Body (IFSB) Ms. Fitness World. Fitness contests sanctioned by the Fitness Universe organization are the Fitness America Pageant and the Fitness Universe Pageant.Figure competition is a newer sub-category of Fitness contests. Figure shows exclude the routine round common to Fitness shows. The competitors are judged solely on muscular symmetry and definition; as in Fitness shows, muscle size is downplayed. Figure competitions appeal most to women who want to compete in a body competition, but wish to avoid Fitness shows' additional athletic and creative demands (the routine round), or bodybuilding's demands for heavy muscle mass.
A typical figure competition includes two rounds, though this varies by organization. In the symmetry round, the competitors appear on stage in high-heeled shoes and a one-piece swimsuit in a side-by-side line that faces the judges. They execute a series of quarter-turns to the right, allowing the judges to view and compare them from all sides for symmetry, presentation, and other aesthetic qualities such as skin tone, hair, make-up, and stylishness of clothing. In the next round (the group comparisons), competitors return in high heels and a two-piece bathing suit, executing a series of quarter-turns. At this stage, they are judged more critically against the others for conditioning, leanness, and how "feminine" and "athletic" (as opposed to brawny) their muscularity is. Included in either of these rounds, or perhaps just the evening show, the competitors come out individually on stage for a model walk where they are judged on presentation, gracefulness, confidence, poise, and professionalism.
Figure contests sanctioned by the International Federation of BodyBuilding & Fitness (IFBB) are the Figure Olympia and the Figure International. Figure contests sanctioned by the Fitness Universe organization is the Figure Universe Pageant.Bikini competition was created as a category with much less emphasis on muscularity to accommodate even more women into the world of physique competitions and IFBB recognised bikini competition as an independent competition category on 7 November 2010. Rapidly growing, bikini category looks for lean and firm physique and "competitors are scored on proportion, symmetry, balance, shape and skin tone".[1] The first Bikini Olympia was introduced in 2010.

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Source link:-(google.com.pk).

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50 Biography:

I will be honest, I am Italian and I love to eat! But bad carbohydrates have no place in my body when I am trying to lean out – they make me tired and when I start to eat them, I really start to crave them more. That said, I do have to watch what I eat and I am currently on this eating plan.When I wake up, I either do cardio right away or if I feel low in energy I will eat first. Basically, I am getting my “motor” running.

For breakfast, I eat either ½ cup of oatmeal with berries or have a shake with berries. My shake always has my daily “greens.” I use Berry Greens, which taste yummy in my shake.

Three hours later, I will have 4-5 egg whites with homemade salsa. I don’t use pre-made salsa because usually it has too much sodium and sugar. I have tried salsa from the deli section in the supermarket and they are fresh and are much better for you than the pre-made jar kind.

For lunch, I either eat a fist size piece of tuna steak, chicken, or white fish. A few times a week, I may have salmon. I have this with half of a sweet potato. I used to hate sweet potatoes, but I have learned that with a little Splenda and cinnamon they are great! I also like how they keep my brain working properly while dieting.

Three hours later, I consume either a shake or oatmeal… depends on how I feel. Some days I have more energy than others – it also depends on what time my day got started, if I was to go to the gym close to this time, I would try and have the oatmeal for energy and a good strong workout.

For dinner, I have the same as lunch – but no sweet potato. I have a salad with tomato, radish, and cucumber. I use Balsamic vinegar, virgin olive oil (1 tbsp) Italian spices and no salt and pepper.

For and after-dinner snack, I will eat 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter, a shake or oatmeal pudding in which I put one scoop of protein powder, with a few berries & sprinkle with oatmeal. I nuke this for a little over a minute.
First and foremost, they need a personality! I truly believe that if you are a genuine person inside, that will shine! A smile can go a long way. I also believe that a fitness model should work out and know the lifestyle. I know a few models that call themselves fitness models that have never spent hours working out hard in the gym.
Just because God blessed them with a great body doesn’t mean that they are “fitness.” Fitness models are not walking runways in the high fashion district of NYC or Paris. I would love to see them there but it is just a fact of life. I find fit females to be stunning, healthy, and beautiful.
My strengths as a fitness model are that I don’t pretend to be something that I am not. I am honest about my own battles with image, and I have been and always will be here for everyone who emails me about their own battles. I also feel that I represent health and possess a positive attitude toward the industry, and life in general.

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50 Biography:
I am a fitness model located in Jacksoville FL. Until recently, the fitness lifestyle was not a part of my life (at all). Up until about 10th grade I was always in great shape! I could eat whatever I wanted (and I did) and not gain a pound. That eventually caught up with me and I went from 110 pounds to about 135 pounds by the end of that year. For my petit frame 135 pounds was in no way flattering.

A couple of years passed and my insecurities grew to the point where I hated myself. I developed an eating disorder in 2007 and ended up hospitalized the summer of 2008 weighing 98 lbs. Coming to the realization that I was destroying my body, I knew that something had to be done. There was no way I could let myself gain the weight back, it was not an option!

However, I knew that continuing my destructive lifestyle with an eating disorder was also out of the question. So, I began lifting weights and educating myself on clean eating. At first I will admit I was terrified of the "6 meals a day" and eating every couple of hours, but after about two weeks I started to see positive changes in my body and I was hooked. If you asked me 3 years ago what I saw in my future, "fitness model" would be the last thing that came to mind. It's crazy how life's obstacles mold what holds your future.

"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.

Jennifer Nicole Lee is the CEO and visionary power house behind JNL Worldwide, Inc. Due to her wildly successful globally broadcasted and marketed fitness and wellness products, books, digital products, e-commerce, and merchandise, she is internationally recognized in over 110 different countries. In short, “JNL” is an extremely successful global mega-brand. Mrs. Lee is a fitness celebrity, a bestselling author, a highly sought-after spokes model, being the name/face/and body of all of her lifestyle brands, wellness products, exercise equipment,
DVDs, home, bath, bedding, spa, and electronic downloads, and websites. However and most importantly she is a devoted wife and mother, representing the millions of other mom’s and wives in the world with a brand they can trust.

“It’s my goal and passion to increase the quality of your lifestyle.” - JNL

Jennifer is one of the world's most accomplished Super Fitness Models, and is an international celebrity due to her high profile wellness merchandise and key media appearances. Jennifer’s career as a top fitness expert and icon began when she lost over 80 lbs after the birth of her children. Her motivational weight loss success story caught the world’s attention, after she gained columns of accolades as a professional fitness competitor, holding countless titles and crowns. She gained international notoriety, due to her incredible transformation, and was soon a frequent guest on major national talk shows, such as The Oprah Winfrey Oprah, E! Entertainment, Fox and Friends, Extra, The Secret Lives of Women, and most recent being highlighted as the top ultimate “pitchwoman” and presenter on Discovery’s “Pitchmen” show, showcasing her captivating and strong TV sales power. Jennifer’s energy, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit combined with a burning desire to help others drove her to create the JNL brand. To date she has appeared on a record breaking 44 magazine covers
Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50

Female Fitness Models Wallpapers Working OUt Abs Over 40 Glutes Facebook Training Images With Tattoos over 50